Hiland Engineering Inc.
Steel, concrete, wood design Building
Retaining Wall
Industrial building design
Structural appraisal
Pipe Support
Platform, mezzanine
Solar racking structure
Management report
Force mains, water mains, storm sewers, and sanitary sewers
Water distribution modelling
Sanitary system analysis
Water tanks
Commercial, industrial, residential, institutional, farming, building permit
HVAC, plumbing design
Electrical design and ESA approval
Floor plan and fire alarm for restaurants, daycares, and bars
Floodplain analysis and cut/fill balances
Watershed modeling and engineering
Stormwater management modeling and detailed systems design
Inflow and infiltration studies
Sanitary and storm sewer capacity analysis
TRCA, KRCA Approval
Flood plain study
Solar PV project permit application
Solar panels layout design
Feasibility study
Structure reinforcement
Project management
Building structural assessment
Racking design/ review
Solar Foundation/pile design
Carport design